
Alter view and dba_dependencies

Adding constraints to a view. Maybe better to consider recreating. Dependencies are populated more complete that way.
create table huba(a int primary key);

create table hubb(b int primary key);

create table link(a int references huba, b int references hubb);

create or replace view fact as (select a,b from link);

alter view fact add constraint f_a_fk foreign key (a) references huba disable;

alter view fact add constraint f_b_fk foreign key (b) references hubb disable;

select referenced_name from dba_dependencies where name = 'FACT';


create or replace view fact (
  , b
  , constraint f_a_fk foreign key (a) references huba disable
  , constraint f_b_fk foreign key (b) references hubb disable
)as (select a,b from link);

select referenced_name from dba_dependencies where name = 'FACT';


drop table huba cascade constraints purge;

drop table hubb cascade constraints purge;

drop view fact;


  1. what would be the point to add a disabled FK to a view?

  2. Constraints document your model. This metadata may be used to get understanding about the data your schema includes. Possible access paths are discoverable when you have told the database about dependencies. The foreign key dependencies may even be used as a basis to generate queries like I introduce from Postgresql metadata.


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I am Timo Raitalaakso. I have been working since 2001 at Solita Oy as a Senior Database Specialist. My main focus is on projects involving Oracle database. Oracle ACE alumni 2012-2018. In this Rafu on db blog I write some interesting issues that evolves from my interaction with databases. Mainly Oracle.