
many to many select -view efficiently

The problem to be solved here is described in the next post. A while ago I wrote about creating a view on top of many to many relation. In that article there was no need to select any columns from the many to many relation table. A localization view might be something that you want to have columns received from. Here is an example of such. A bit of preparation first. We have localized names for country and city names first. Create a view of those to be used from several usages. And a query example that joins a shop table to the view.
drop table shop;

drop table countrylang;

drop table citycountry;

drop table citylang;

drop table country;

drop table city;

drop table lang;

create table lang (lang varchar2(2) constraint lang_pk primary key);

insert into lang values ('fi');

insert into lang values ('en');

insert into lang values ('sv');

create table country(country varchar2(3) constraint country_pk primary key);

insert into country values ('FI');

insert into country values ('SV');

create table countrylang(country constraint countrylang_country_fk references country
                       , lang constraint countrylang_lang_fk references lang
                       , name varchar2(200) not null
                       , constraint countrylang_pk primary key (country,lang)
                       ) organization index compress 1

insert into countrylang values ('FI','fi','Suomi');

insert into countrylang values ('FI','sv','Finland');

insert into countrylang values ('FI','en','Finland');

insert into countrylang values ('SV','fi','Ruotsi');

insert into countrylang values ('SV','sv','Sweden');

insert into countrylang values ('SV','en','Sweden');

create table city(city varchar2(3) constraint city_pk primary key);

insert into city values ('tpe');

insert into city values ('hki');

insert into city values ('sto');

create table citylang(city constraint citylang_city_fk references city
                    , lang constraint citylang_lang_fk references lang
                    , name varchar2(200) not null
                    , constraint citylang_pk primary key (city,lang)
                    ) organization index compress 1

insert into citylang values ('tpe','fi','Tampere');

insert into citylang values ('tpe','sv','Tammerfors');

insert into citylang values ('tpe','en','Tampere');

insert into citylang values ('hki','fi','Helsinki');

insert into citylang values ('hki','sv','Helsingfors');

insert into citylang values ('hki','en','Helsinki');

create table citycountry(city references city, country references country, constraint citycountry_pk primary key (city,country));

insert into citycountry values('tpe','FI');

insert into citycountry values('hki','FI');

insert into citycountry values('sto','SV');

create view citycountrynames as 
select la.lang
     , ci.city
     , co.country
     , (select cl.name from citylang cl where cl.city=ci.city and cl.lang=la.lang) cityname
     , (select cl.name from countrylang cl where cl.country=co.country and cl.lang=la.lang) countryname
  from lang la, city ci, country co

So that was the view. Be sure to populate the tables underneath correctly to avoid nulls.

create table shop (shop int constraint shop_pk primary key
                 , shop_name varchar2(200) not null
                 , city references city not null
                 , country references country
                 , constraint shop_citycountry_fk foreign key (city,country) references citycountry)

create index shop_city_fk_idx on shop(city);

create index shop_country_fk_idx on shop(country);

insert into shop values (1,'Helsinki shop','hki','FI');

insert into shop values (2,'Tampere shop','tpe','FI');

insert into shop values (3,'Stockholm shop','sto','SV');


select cn.cityname,cn.countryname
  from citycountrynames cn 
 inner join shop sh 
    on sh.city=cn.city and sh.country=cn.country
 where cn.city=:city
   and cn.lang=:lang
It is late Saturday evening now. I will not show any execution plans now. Try those out yourself. I will have another taste of Isle of Jura.
SQL> variable lang varchar2(2);
SQL> variable city varchar2(3);
SQL> exec :city := 'tpe'

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> exec :lang := 'fi'

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select sh.shop_name, cn.cityname,cn.countryname
  2    from citycountrynames cn
  3   inner join shop sh
  4      on sh.city=cn.city and sh.country=cn.country
  5   where cn.city=:city
  6     and cn.lang=:lang
  7  ;




Tampere shop

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I am Timo Raitalaakso. I have been working since 2001 at Solita Oy as a Senior Database Specialist. My main focus is on projects involving Oracle database. Oracle ACE alumni 2012-2018. In this Rafu on db blog I write some interesting issues that evolves from my interaction with databases. Mainly Oracle.