OUG Harmony 2012 registration is open. Act before 30.4.2012 to be an early bird and save money.
join strategies to cross join
There are three different join startegies the optimizer may perform a join.
One of those is different considering a cross join.
In this example join is executed using nested loops. It may be hinted also to a merge join path.
In this example join is executed using nested loops. It may be hinted also to a merge join path.
select * from dual d1 cross join dual d2; select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'basic')); ----------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | ----------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | ----------------------------------- select /*+use_merge(d1 d2)*/ * from dual d1 cross join dual d2; ------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | ------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | 1 | MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN| | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DUAL | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | DUAL | -------------------------------------The third approach would be hash join. But it is not possible.
select /*+use_hash(d1 d2)*/ * from dual d1 cross join dual d2; ----------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | ----------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | -----------------------------------Change the query to inner join and have a join condition. The USE_HASH hint is obeyed.
select /*+use_hash(d1 d2)*/ * from dual d1 inner join dual d2 on d1.dummy = d2.dummy; select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(format=>'basic +predicate')); ----------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | ----------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | |* 1 | HASH JOIN | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | ----------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - access("D1"."DUMMY"="D2"."DUMMY")
many to many select -view efficiently -the problem
My last post was describing a solution to problem that I did not explain beforehand.
I also chose a bad example of two things to be localized. The original problem did not have relationship between the things to be localized. The example has the citycountry table there and it should be used in the citycountrynames view. It was yet again difficult to generate a good example. But the original problematic view was something like:
create or replace view citycountrynames_slow as select cl.lang , ci.city , co.country , cl.name cityname , col.name countryname from city ci cross join country co left outer join citylang cl on cl.city=ci.city left outer join countrylang col on col.country=co.country and col.lang=cl.lang ;Cross join there. And that is not the problem. The plan for the query was
select cn.cityname,cn.countryname,sh.shop_name from citycountrynames_slow cn inner join shop sh on sh.city=cn.city and sh.country=cn.country where cn.city=:city and cn.lang=:lang ; ------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | ------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | 1 | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | | | 2 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 3 | VIEW | | | 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 6 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | CITYLANG_PK | | 7 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | CITY_PK | | 8 | INDEX FAST FULL SCAN | COUNTRY_PK | | 9 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| SHOP | | 10 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SHOP_COUNTRY_FK_IDX | | 11 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | COUNTRYLANG_PK | -------------------------------------------------------------One problem there is INDEX FAST FULL SCAN COUNTRY_PK. And the country table was a big one. The view query has the problem of outer joining to several tables. That is why the optimizer is not able to merge the view to the main query.
select cl.lang , ci.city , co.country , cl.name cityname , col.name countryname from city ci, country co, citylang cl, countrylang col where cl.city(+)=ci.city and col.country(+)=co.country and col.lang(+)=cl.lang ; ORA-01417: a table may be outer joined to at most one other tableOne can avoid ORA-01417 by rewriting the query
select xx.*, col.name countryname from ( select cl.lang , ci.city , co.country , cl.name cityname from city ci, country co, citylang cl where cl.city(+)=ci.city) xx, countrylang col where col.country(+)=xx.country and col.lang(+)=xx.lang ;Actually a bit similar structure may be seen in the plan line 3. A view without a name is appearing to the plan. The tuned previous post view is behaving much more efficiently for the query. No full scans. The tuning was to add the lang table to the view query. Move the many parts to select list sub query.
select cn.cityname,cn.countryname,sh.shop_name from citycountrynames cn inner join shop sh on sh.city=cn.city and sh.country=cn.country where cn.city=:city and cn.lang=:lang ; ---------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | ---------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | 1 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | CITYLANG_PK | | 2 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | COUNTRYLANG_PK | | 3 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | | 6 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | CITY_PK | | 7 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | LANG_PK | | 8 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| SHOP | | 9 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | SHOP_CITY_FK_IDX | | 10 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | COUNTRY_PK | ----------------------------------------------------------
many to many select -view efficiently
The problem to be solved here is described in the next post.
A while ago I wrote about creating a view on top of many to many relation. In that article there was no need to select any columns from the many to many relation table. A localization view might be something that you want to have columns received from. Here is an example of such. A bit of preparation first. We have localized names for country and city names first. Create a view of those to be used from several usages. And a query example that joins a shop table to the view.
drop table shop; drop table countrylang; drop table citycountry; drop table citylang; drop table country; drop table city; drop table lang; create table lang (lang varchar2(2) constraint lang_pk primary key); insert into lang values ('fi'); insert into lang values ('en'); insert into lang values ('sv'); create table country(country varchar2(3) constraint country_pk primary key); insert into country values ('FI'); insert into country values ('SV'); create table countrylang(country constraint countrylang_country_fk references country , lang constraint countrylang_lang_fk references lang , name varchar2(200) not null , constraint countrylang_pk primary key (country,lang) ) organization index compress 1 ; insert into countrylang values ('FI','fi','Suomi'); insert into countrylang values ('FI','sv','Finland'); insert into countrylang values ('FI','en','Finland'); insert into countrylang values ('SV','fi','Ruotsi'); insert into countrylang values ('SV','sv','Sweden'); insert into countrylang values ('SV','en','Sweden'); create table city(city varchar2(3) constraint city_pk primary key); insert into city values ('tpe'); insert into city values ('hki'); insert into city values ('sto'); create table citylang(city constraint citylang_city_fk references city , lang constraint citylang_lang_fk references lang , name varchar2(200) not null , constraint citylang_pk primary key (city,lang) ) organization index compress 1 ; insert into citylang values ('tpe','fi','Tampere'); insert into citylang values ('tpe','sv','Tammerfors'); insert into citylang values ('tpe','en','Tampere'); insert into citylang values ('hki','fi','Helsinki'); insert into citylang values ('hki','sv','Helsingfors'); insert into citylang values ('hki','en','Helsinki'); create table citycountry(city references city, country references country, constraint citycountry_pk primary key (city,country)); insert into citycountry values('tpe','FI'); insert into citycountry values('hki','FI'); insert into citycountry values('sto','SV'); create view citycountrynames as select la.lang , ci.city , co.country , (select cl.name from citylang cl where cl.city=ci.city and cl.lang=la.lang) cityname , (select cl.name from countrylang cl where cl.country=co.country and cl.lang=la.lang) countryname from lang la, city ci, country co ;So that was the view. Be sure to populate the tables underneath correctly to avoid nulls.
create table shop (shop int constraint shop_pk primary key , shop_name varchar2(200) not null , city references city not null , country references country , constraint shop_citycountry_fk foreign key (city,country) references citycountry) ; create index shop_city_fk_idx on shop(city); create index shop_country_fk_idx on shop(country); insert into shop values (1,'Helsinki shop','hki','FI'); insert into shop values (2,'Tampere shop','tpe','FI'); insert into shop values (3,'Stockholm shop','sto','SV'); commit; select cn.cityname,cn.countryname from citycountrynames cn inner join shop sh on sh.city=cn.city and sh.country=cn.country where cn.city=:city and cn.lang=:lang ;It is late Saturday evening now. I will not show any execution plans now. Try those out yourself. I will have another taste of Isle of Jura.
SQL> variable lang varchar2(2); SQL> variable city varchar2(3); SQL> exec :city := 'tpe' PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> exec :lang := 'fi' PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> select sh.shop_name, cn.cityname,cn.countryname 2 from citycountrynames cn 3 inner join shop sh 4 on sh.city=cn.city and sh.country=cn.country 5 where cn.city=:city 6 and cn.lang=:lang 7 ; SHOP_NAME ------------------------------------------------------ CITYNAME ------------------------------------------------------ COUNTRYNAME ------------------------------------------------------ Tampere shop Tampere Suomi
Store more days of history
Diagnostic pack purchased. The default amount of days stored work load repository is eight days. This is how it is changed to 365 days:
select snap_interval, retention from dba_hist_wr_control; SNAP_INTERVAL -------------------------------------------------- RETENTION -------------------------------------------------- +00 01:00:00.000000 +08 00:00:00.000000 execute dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings(interval => 60,retention => 525600); select snap_interval, retention from dba_hist_wr_control; SNAP_INTERVAL -------------------------------------------------- RETENTION -------------------------------------------------- +00 01:00:00.000000 +365 00:00:00.000000
Treasure hunting and blocking sessions
Bored with being just a Sherlock Holmes dba? Take a look at treasurehunt.solita.fi some tricky puzzles available for a week. The airprize available only to scan-agile participants but the pages seem to be open for all internet.
Back to Sherlock Holmesing. Blocking sessions are tricky ones. At least when the bug report is talking about yesterday. The application is throwing 5 minute transaction timeout to end user face. Lucky us the Diagnostic pack is available.
The bug information is tracked to a action SOS.createSO. And lucky us we have module, action and client_identifier populated to the session while accessing database.
Unlucky us. How about any other sessions being influenced by the kept row lock?
The session 699 blocked also other sessions doing action SOS.createSOL. The time frame 699 was holding the lock got wider is has started already at time 12:14:21.
And yet again lucky us the similar thing happened a couple days ago also. Another blocking session is found.
Back to Sherlock Holmesing. Blocking sessions are tricky ones. At least when the bug report is talking about yesterday. The application is throwing 5 minute transaction timeout to end user face. Lucky us the Diagnostic pack is available.
The bug information is tracked to a action SOS.createSO. And lucky us we have module, action and client_identifier populated to the session while accessing database.
select session_id,blocking_session,blocking_session_serial#,sql_exec_start,min(sample_time),max(sample_time), count(*), action from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY s where sample_time > sysdate -300 and event= 'enq: TX - row lock contention' and action = 'SOS.createSO' group by session_id,blocking_session,blocking_session_serial#,sql_exec_start,action having count(*) > 29 order by min(sample_time) desc ; sessio blocki blocking sql_exec_start min(sample_time) max(sample_time) count action 465 699 17041 07.03.2012 12:32:45 07.03.2012 12:32:49,839 07.03.2012 12:37:40,203 30 SOS.createSOWe see that our reported bug session 465 was blocked by session 699. The five minutes timeout is readable from count(*) being 30. There is no other information about the blocking session than the sid and serial#. Should we be lucky to see some samples around the same time from this blocking session.
select s.* from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY s where session_id = 699 and session_serial# = 17041 ;No rows
Unlucky us. How about any other sessions being influenced by the kept row lock?
select session_id,blocking_session,blocking_session_serial#,sql_exec_start,min(sample_time),max(sample_time), count(*), action from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY s where sample_time > sysdate -300 and event= 'enq: TX - row lock contention' group by session_id,blocking_session,blocking_session_serial#,sql_exec_start,action having count(*) > 29 order by min(sample_time) desc ; sessio blocki blocking sql_exec_start min(sample_time) max(sample_time) count action 465 699 17041 07.03.2012 12:32:45 07.03.2012 12:32:49,839 07.03.2012 12:37:40,203 30 SOS.createSO 30 699 17041 07.03.2012 12:31:11 07.03.2012 12:31:19,712 07.03.2012 12:36:10,080 30 SOS.createSOL 461 699 17041 07.03.2012 12:16:32 07.03.2012 12:16:38,563 07.03.2012 12:21:28,946 30 SOS.createSOL 406 699 17041 07.03.2012 12:14:21 07.03.2012 12:14:28,402 07.03.2012 12:19:18,780 30 SOS.createSOL 657 304 2655 02.03.2012 12:38:37 02.03.2012 12:38:41,735 02.03.2012 12:43:32,113 30 SOS.createSOL
The session 699 blocked also other sessions doing action SOS.createSOL. The time frame 699 was holding the lock got wider is has started already at time 12:14:21.
And yet again lucky us the similar thing happened a couple days ago also. Another blocking session is found.
select sample_time,sql_exec_start,s.module,s.action,s.client_id from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY s where session_id = 304 and session_serial# = 2655 ; sample_tim sql_exec module action client_id 02.03.2012 12:25:20 services RIS.updateRI integration 02.03.2012 12:47:47 works SS.getSOT obfuscateduserAnd yet again lucky us. We get a before and after problem suspect end users and actions. The guilty code lines are possible to find with this information and application logs. Yet again Diagnostic pack license purchase got us to the right direction. The problem would have otherwise been unsolved.
Time to learn model clause
I received the latest paper printed Oracle magazine today. Reading what the soon to be OUG Harmony 2012 keynote speaker has to say in the magazine askTom column. Dealing with the problem of Grouping Ranges.
So many ways writing code. The article introduces PL/SQL, recursive common table and model clause approaches. I just added a SQL and analytic function approach solution to the problem discussion at http://asktom.oracle.com. Not so pretty, but possible. Maybe the model clause version is still the most efficient one for this problem. Should also I start rehearsing model clause to my coding tool set...
So many ways writing code. The article introduces PL/SQL, recursive common table and model clause approaches. I just added a SQL and analytic function approach solution to the problem discussion at http://asktom.oracle.com. Not so pretty, but possible. Maybe the model clause version is still the most efficient one for this problem. Should also I start rehearsing model clause to my coding tool set...
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- Rafu
- I am Timo Raitalaakso. I have been working since 2001 at Solita Oy as a Senior Database Specialist. My main focus is on projects involving Oracle database. Oracle ACE alumni 2012-2018. In this Rafu on db blog I write some interesting issues that evolves from my interaction with databases. Mainly Oracle.