
unindex 11.2 cross schema

Foreign keys might point to another schema. Here is an unindex query for such situation. My earlier queries unindex and unindex 11.2 were built on top of user_* views. Here the queries are using all_* views. I am not using dba_* views as all_* views are usable for wider audience than just dba privileged. Reminder: you probably do not need all of those, but they might explain you some poor execution times or TM lock waits.

select case when i.index_name is not null
            then 'OK'
            else '****'
       end ok
     , c.owner
     , c.table_name
     , c.constraint_name
     , c.cols
     , i.index_name
from (
  select a.owner
       , a.table_name
       , a.constraint_name
       , listagg(b.column_name, ' ' ) 
          within group (order by column_name) cols
      from all_constraints a, all_cons_columns b
     where a.owner = b.owner
       and a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
       and a.constraint_type = 'R'
  group by a.owner,a.table_name, a.constraint_name
 ) c
 left outer join
  select index_owner
       , table_name
       , index_name
       , cr
       , listagg(column_name, ' ' ) 
          within group (order by column_name) cols
    from (
        select index_owner
             , table_name
             , index_name
             , column_position
             , column_name
             , connect_by_root(column_name) cr
          from all_ind_columns
       connect by prior column_position-1 = column_position
              and prior index_name = index_name
              and prior index_owner = index_owner
    group by index_owner, table_name, index_name, cr
) i on c.owner = i.index_owner and c.cols = i.cols and c.table_name = i.table_name
order by ok,owner,table_name,constraint_name;

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I am Timo Raitalaakso. I have been working since 2001 at Solita Oy as a Senior Database Specialist. My main focus is on projects involving Oracle database. Oracle ACE alumni 2012-2018. In this Rafu on db blog I write some interesting issues that evolves from my interaction with databases. Mainly Oracle.